As part of installation of conveyIT Maestro a set of Microsoft word templates will be installed on users’ PCs.
These templates only work with Maestro generated documents and will not affect any of your other documentation.
The conveyIT templates will make sure that when you generate a Maestro document, the document has the right Headers & footers and formatting specific to your firm.
You will know that you have Maestro templates install as there will be a “conveyIT” tab in your menu bar (shown below)
Something to also keep in mind is that for Statement documents in Maestro there will also be a different tab that will show. To learn more about statements and how to use this tab click on the following link: How to generate a settlement
If you are missing either the conveyIT or statement tab in your word and you are a Maestro user, you might notice that documents you generate are looking rather odd.
To fix this call our friendly support team who will sort this out for you. You can contact the conveyIT team at or 0508 33 22 88