On occasion users may be requested to copy correspondence to a second email address at a firm. conveyIT Maestro users can add a second email address to the “Other Law Firm Contact” for each particular matter by saving to your matter only (it is important to not save this to Global Data).
Click on “Update Contract Data” under Workflow Actions
Select “Other Law Firm”
In the “Other Law Firm Contact Email Address” field, add the required second email address
The email addresses must be separated by “; space”. This will add the second email address to any conveyIT Maestro correspondence that contains an email address. The “; space” allows the email programme to separate the email addresses on the To row of an email when “Send Email” is used in the generated Word document.
Once entered select Save Changes and Update my matter only
Once a conveyIT Maestro document is generated and emailed via the “Send Email” button, both email addresses will be included in the subsequent email.