Occasionally during the course of transactions, lawyers give undertakings to other lawyers. These are not part of a standard task but are normally on a one-off basis.
You can record and manage undertakings within a workflow by utilising the Undertakings Stage and recording each undertaking as a task with notes in your workflow.
The Undertaking stage will be displayed in the Stages Panel and any outstanding undertakings will be alerted as tasks due within that stage.
Undertakings stage
To add a new Undertakings stage select Add New Stage
Select “Undertakings” from the Stage drop down list
Select an appropriate stage due date by choosing either a number of days from date or picking a specific date
Select Save This Stage
Select Return to Workflow
The new Undertakings Stage has been created and is displayed in the Stages panel.
Undertakings task
A new task where you can edit the details of the undertaking is automatically added to the stage
You can edit the task to add the undertaking details and notes to the undertaking task
Click on the task description field “Click here to add undertaking details and notes” to add undertakings details.
Add a summary of the undertaking in the Task Description
Select the person responsible for the task
Select a due date if applicable
You can add further details of the undertaking as a note attached to the task
Type the note details in the field provided
Select “Add Note” to save the note to the task
Users can add a separate note to the task detailing how the undertaking was satisfied
Displayed in the task list, the “Notes" label indicates there is a note attached to the task.
Once the undertaking has been satisfied, mark the task complete.