Q. Are my client contacts and matters seen by others?
A. No, your private client contact records and matters cannot be seen by others.
Q. Can I see the workflows of other authors and can they see mine?
A. Yes, your workflows and transactions can be seen by other authors provided they are set up as such in your account.
A. Where are my documents stored?
Q. Your documents are saved and stored in the cloud which is hosted by Amazon Web Services. You have the additional facility of synchronising to Infinitylaw or saving documents to a file structure.
A. How many documents can I store in conveyIT Maestro?
Q. There is no current limit to the number of documents that you can store.
Q.How secure is my clients’ data?
A. Very! ConveyIT Maestro is hosted in the cloud by Amazon Web Services. This is an internationally recognised and respected cloud hosting provider and is used by a number of financial institutions and multinational corporate’s across the world. ConveyIT Maestro is hosted out of Amazon Web services Pacific data centre in Sydney.